Unmasking the Cheats: A Deep Dive into Counter-Strike 2 Vulnerabilities

In the competitive world of online gaming, fairness and integrity are paramount. Yet, the persistent issue of cheating continues to plague Counter-Strike 2.
My comprehensive research aims to dissect and combat the various cheats and vulnerabilities undermining this iconic game. Focusing on CVE-2021-30481 and wallhack cheats, this study provides an in-depth analysis of the mechanisms behind these exploits and proposes measures to mitigate their impact.

Understanding the CVE-2021-30481 Vulnerability

CVE-2021-30481 Vulnerability

CVE-2021-30481 is a significant security flaw within Steam’s Source engine, exploited through malicious game invitations to execute arbitrary code. The vulnerability stems from a buffer overflow in the handling of command-line parameters during the game’s startup. By manipulating these parameters, attackers can establish a remote console (RCON) connection and execute harmful payloads on the victim’s system.

In my attempts to replicate this vulnerability, I initially did not succeed. To gain a better understanding and find a way to reproduce it, I contacted Florian, the reporter of this CVE. He provided valuable assistance and suggested specific approaches to replicate the exploit.

Following his suggestions, I was able to gain deeper insights and discovered a new vulnerability, which is described later on this page. This new issue allows an attacker to crash a player's game when they connect to a malicious RCON server.

Valve's Countermeasures:

Wallhack Cheats: An Unseen Advantage

Wallhack Cheats

Wallhacks are among the most notorious cheats in Counter-Strike 2, enabling players to see through walls and other obstacles, thus gaining an unfair advantage. My study involved both theoretical analysis and practical implementation of wallhacks to understand their workings and develop effective detection methods.

Implementation of Wallhacks

Wallhacks exploit various vulnerabilities in the game engine. They range from relatively simple methods like client-side manipulation—editing game files to make objects transparent—to more advanced techniques like memory manipulation. These advanced techniques involve directly altering the game’s memory to reveal player locations or manipulate in-game visualization processes, allowing players behind walls to be visible.

Survey Insights:

Survey Insights

Proposed Solutions:

Detection of Wallhacks

Detecting wallhacks is complex and requires a layered approach. Systems like Valve’s Anti-Cheat (VAC) use methods such as file integrity checks, memory inspection, and heuristic analysis to identify cheats. These are supplemented by more advanced techniques like kernel-level monitoring, as employed by platforms like FACEIT and games like Valorant. These systems operate at the kernel level of the operating system, making them particularly effective in detecting unauthorized manipulations and monitoring suspicious system processes. However, kernel-level anti-cheat systems also raise significant privacy and security concerns. Due to their deep access to system resources, there are worries about the potential collection of personal data and the impact on system stability. This highlights the importance of transparency and strict regulations to protect user privacy while maintaining game integrity.

Developing and Testing My Own Wallhacks

Wallhack Cheats

To gain firsthand understanding of wallhack implementation and effectiveness of detection methods, I developed my own wallhack within a controlled environment. This practical approach provided valuable insights into the mechanics of such cheats.

Development Process:


Reverse Engineering Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC)

Reverse Engineering Valve Anti-Cheat

My reverse engineering of VAC provides critical insights into its operations and vulnerabilities. VAC employs various modules and techniques, such as monitoring system information and process handles, to detect cheats. However, it faces challenges from sophisticated methods like timing attacks and code injection.

Reverse Engineering Process:

The reverse engineering of Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) involved several meticulous steps to understand its inner workings and identify vulnerabilities. Here is an in-depth look at the process:

1. Setting Up the Environment

To start, I set up a controlled environment using virtual machines to safely analyze VAC without risking my main system. This involved installing Steam and VAC-protected games on a virtual machine.

2. Using IDA Free for Decompilation

IDA Free, a powerful disassembler, was used to convert the binary code of VAC’s DLL files into a more readable assembly code. This step is crucial to understand the structure and functionality of VAC.

3. Analyzing the Assembly Code

By examining the assembly code, I identified key functions and routines used by VAC. This included functions responsible for system monitoring, memory inspection, and cheat detection.

4. Identifying Key Modules

Several modules within VAC were identified and analyzed:

5. Hook Detection Techniques

VAC employs techniques to detect hooks in WinAPI functions like NtReadVirtualMemory and NtQuerySystemInformation. By comparing the initial bytes of these functions to expected values, VAC can identify unauthorized modifications.

6. Encryption and Hashing

VAC uses various encryption and hashing techniques such as MD5, ICE, CRC32, and XOR to protect the integrity of its data and make analysis more difficult for cheaters.

Improvement Strategies:

Discovering a New Vulnerability

During my research, I attempted to replicate the payload and discovered a new issue. Using my custom-made Python script, I was able to crash a player’s game when they connected to my server via RCON.

To achieve this, I wrote a Python script and utilized parts of the payload provided by Florian, the person who reported this CVE. This script acts as a malicious RCON server that, once a connection is established, sends a harmful payload to the client. The original intention was to exploit the CVE to open the calculator via Remote Code Execution (RCE). However, with the same payload, the user’s game now crashes. I am unsure why this happens and will investigate it further in the future.

Testing on the Latest Version of CS2

I first tested this script on the latest version of Counter-Strike 2. To my surprise, this payload causes the newest version of the game to crash. This shows that the exploit can still affect the latest game versions, although it does not achieve the desired Remote Code Execution.

I am currently in the process of writing a detailed report on this discovery so that I can submit it to HackerOne for further analysis and possible remediation by the developers.